T-Shirts Are Today’s Most Effective Long-Term Marketing Tactic Using Custom Heat Transfers In 2019

The t-shirt remains one of the best promotional products ever made.

Think about the last time you spotted a band name or a cool logo on someone’s shirt and thought to yourself, “I wonder where that’s from.” What about all those t-shirts in your closet that you’ve owned for years? Companies and small businesses alike are all too aware of the staying power that comes with a good shirt and this is something you can invest in with the aid of a heat transfer system. Designed to give you a high quality in the blink of an eye, manual heat press is a staple of many successful brands today. In fact…

…let’s take a look at the popularity of t-shirts and how they could be your secret ingredient for success!

The American Apparel Market Today

Fashion statements are a great way to promote. Just take a look at the United States and the gems it keeps turning out year after year. The American apparel market was worth a nice $315 billion in 2016, expected to grow to $385 billion by the time 2025 came around. It’s not just physical shops that are enjoying success, but online ones, too. According to a recent study women’s apparel was the number one top selling item on the Internet.

T-Shirt Popularity Around The World

It’s all fine and dandy to know the heat transfer press is a winner…but what if you work internationally? The global clothing and textile industry is currently worth an astronomical $2 trillion, expected to remain steady for many years to come. The benefit of the Internet means anyone can swing by your online shop, customize their purchase, and enjoy the convenience of an order sent straight to their doorstep. Manual heat press is an accessible form of technology anyone can get the hang of. What are the benefits?

Psychology Behind A Great Design

A good design is everything in today’s oversaturated world. It should tell your customers what your business does, who you do it for, and how you stand out from the competition…all at a glance! Consumers spend a yearly average of $1,700 on apparel and related services, with t-shirts considered the most popular article of clothing across all demographics. The world’s most expensive t-shirt is titled the ‘Superlative Luxury’, currently on the market for $400,000! Yours won’t be quite that expensive, but they’ll certainly reap you similar rewards.

Benefits Of Long-Term Marketing Tactics

People look at billboards…then drive off. Customers will glance at a video…then promptly forget about it when the next video comes along. T-shirts are a genius tactic that only builds your ROI in the long-term, subtly reminding each customer about your business every time they have a lazy day or go to do the laundry. That’s impressive for a relatively recent invention! T-shirts had been worn for over two decades before the word was officially added to the Merriam-Webster dictionary.

How Heat Transfer Presses Work

You might be wondering about how custom heat transfers work at this point. You’ll be happy to know they’re easy to get the hang of. You can try out specialty presses if you have a unique style in mind or stick to custom heat transfers for general jobs. Ongoing maintenance is essential, as sudden high volumes can stress out your machine and wear it out prematurely. It’s important to lubricate the joints and pins of the heat press once a month, using a high-temperature (and non-melting) grease.

The t-shirt is one of our greatest inventions…and it can be taken just about anywhere! See what custom heat transfers can do to boost your business in the eyes of others.

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